Preview - Journey to Calm

Journey to Calm

Deepening Your at Home Restorative Yoga Practice

Raise your hand if your stress and/or anxiety levels have been high lately...

Restorative yoga is a practice we feel EVERYONE would benefit from, helping us balance out and heal our busy minds and over stressed bodies. We designed this course to support individuals to deepen their at home experience with this dynamic style of yoga. Providing a simple, yet powerful, jump into the restorative yoga pool - the at home yogi will uncover all they need to know in Journey to Calm, engaging in a practice with profound benefits for the body, mind and soul.

What You Will Learn & Explore

Here's the modules included in the Journey to Calm course:

Module 1: Intro to Restorative Yoga

Module 2: Benefits of Restorative Yoga

Module 3: Setting up Your Home Practice

Module 4: Meditation & Breath Work

Module 5: Restorative Yoga Pose Breakdown

Module 6: Your Yoga Props

Module 7: Restorative Sequences

Module 8: Keeping Yourself Accountable

Module 9: You Did It!!!!!

Participants can navigate this training in a style and flow that works for them! Moving around and jumping back into modules to relearn is not a problem, take your time and journey through this training in a timeframe that fits your schedule.

We Trust You'll Enjoy Your Journey!

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